A Journey I Called Life

The stOry Of myself and pepole around me. Here, a place i want to revealed all the feeling inside..^_^

Berpindah Rumah.

Aha..bukan rumah yang itu tapi yang ini. From now on, this blog will not be updating. But if u interested to be my stalker!Kekekekek~`Kidding! Now i'm actively blogging @ my new blog. Feel free to visit to http://cik-jaja-over-there-over-here.blogspot.com/

Nice day everyone!

Love. Hug. Kiss

Gif's for my little sis 18th Birthday

A Gif For my Sister!^_^ [Since i cant post this on FB, i post it here instead!:p]

Your animation

Bleach Maniac~~


Maniac??!izzit?Might be, desire to watch this anime turn to addiction!huhuhu..but me already da habiskan season 1 until 14 [season 1 was air on Oct 2004 n season 14 end on April 2010, 6 years anime n i get to finish them in 2 month!^_^,] n now i called it quit for a while..currently season 15 still belum end, so i just wait until the season wrapping n watch it without. I wonder how many gal out there interested on anime especially when u already on ur middle 20's?mueheheh!!!^__^

Okeh..enough of anime..so suddenly rase rindu pd blog nih..^v^, well, so far everything just fine, even sumtime things change but life just go on..This weekend my BFF will get married..an advance congratulation to Miss Rabitah Hanim [soon will be Mrs!]Sadly..:(.. xdpt nk attend majlis die since on the same date my cazen also nk kawen.

Ahaks! my previous post me ade story sedikit pasal my BTB cazen, ite?so far a, everything goes like planned, cm ade la satu dua pekare yang xsame mcm plan..but it's common bcoz there is nothing perfect!^__^

Me myb heading to BTB house this coming Thursday..so it's present hunting time!!i like!!i have sumtin in mind..tp x tau la dapat ke x nk cari yang berkenan..uhhh..tomorrow will be bz for me!tp ape nk kc xble reveal, mahu keep it secret!hihihihi..n now i need to sleep its 3 min before 5 am! wonder what time i will get up tomorrow![luckily i got permission not to go working last week n this week!]LOVE IT!+_+


LIMIT....a word that I've thinking now..uhhh!!masih boleh berjalan i think im not over the limit yet..bekerja di bawah terik matahari n pas tu basah dek ujan, if that not enough..lorry plak lekat tayar kat selut!that was the overall today's work..tired?exhausted?...more than word could imagine..but still mampu type entry ini..:)

Esok, cuti dari kj site..but that not mean boleh rest..ct sebab harus settle claim. Kalau orang makan gaji time nie bole tarik nafas lega tgk bal saving account masing2..aku plak akn saket jiwa menyelesaikan claim2!n after 3 month br bole tarik nafas lega tgk bal current account. Dalam otak nie rs mcm da x ckp space nk fikir hal kj..sumtime time2 gni la aku rs, im glad i dun have bf, i dun have to think other things beside kj..workholic kah?^___^...tidak. Cm kalau ade2 sape berade dalam situasi aku, mngkn akn tahu ape yang ade dlm otak aku.When u hold the responsibility, not only for a company but also ur family. But im glad, im not alone..i noe im doing this for the better future..:)..cm yang penting my 'backbone' baba n my bro always in gud health physical n mental.amin..:)

apakah?its time la..huhuhuhu..dari aku mule kua uma n time aku smpi uma smule..uh!damned tired! Hujan baru2 nk benti..da dpt bayangkan betape ssh nye nk bangun pg esOk utk ke site lagi..alahai, nk cite kepenatan pOn da x larat..sj type entry ini, nO reason at all!huhuhu..

Acceli aku da siap kj kOl 7..tapi shopping groceries fOr my granma also kn masak kan utk die skali..with my limited cooking skill, cm udang goreng kunyit with smbal bilis ^___^..sekejap aje da siap!huhuhu..lagipon aku mmg da exhausted gile..ni pon mate buke separuh aje..dalam pale nie asik terbayang tiang aje!muhehehhe..sO many wOrk waiting for me tomorrow. O_o

After Rain~~

* blessing

Hujan~~alhamdulillah..it been a week kepanasan di sini..aku keluar tgh hari tadi pOn mst bw payung..can't stand d heat! Even x lame pOn..at least xkehausan la pokok2 kat lua tu kan?^__^

Mahu tdO sementare dingin ujan nie masih ade..tapi msh ade kj yang perlu di buat. Penat balik dari kuantan malam semalam pun blOm abez lagi..ape bole bt, it's part of life..but sumtin yang bt my heart feel delight is, yesterday Exam! hOrray, im cofident my team will pass it!..hehehe..nk tau ape beza exam skOl@ kolej dgn exam ms kj? u can discuss!not mention that you can cOpy2! But for me aku harus bace n remind since my team member menghrpkan aku..aku xkesah sbb aku phm org yang da de family mane sempat nk bace2..kj plak balik malam, lagi la. sO aku mmg harus pastikan sume lulus..or else aku akn ssh kemudian hari..this test required by MCMC..so wajib lulus.

Hari2 yang mendatang, masih banyak mende yang aku nk kn pk..esOk pagi aku da mule ke site lagi..n hopefully aku buleh lost weight sambil bekerja!hahahahaha...Diet da xtau ke mane, tp semangat aje yang tggl!huhuhu..OPsss..harus stOp sekarang, kj menimbun lagi ni!wOrking jaja wOrking!!!:P


Gambatte, Hwaiting!!O_o

* Gambatte(gahm-baht-teh; literally meaning :Go for it! or Try your best!) **cr : www.learnjapanesefree.com

*HWAITING - Good Luck.[literally meaning : hwaiting is an example of Konglish(Korean English). It is actually fighting, but since most Koreans have difficulty in pronouncing letter F, it is substituted with HW. They always say this as a word of encouragement.
It's like go,go you can make it.
**cr : yahoo.answer

An encouragement phrases for me!hehehe..Esok Exam!huhuhu..Venue at SMART skool..rase mcm nk mik SPM jek! Back at time, da 9 years berlalu since i was a skool girl.really?owhhh... almost 1 decade! On those 9 yeasr too many things happened..kalau nk di flash back..seminggu pon x ckp mase aku nk type entry 9thn kat cni!huhuhu~~

BTW, aku baru selesai packing barang2 yang mahu bawa ke kuantan..ingtkan nak bertOlak kOl 5, tapi kOl my brO, die kate kOl 7 nnti br die balik..sO sempat lagi la aku type entry nie sebelum pg..huhuhuhu..ketagihan kah??O_o

I called my fwen kat ktn ingtkn nk lepak kat uma die je, xdek la aku sengal sOrang2 kalau lepak hOtel..but unfortunately nye die balik ke kg pulak ptg nie..nmpknye sOrang2 je la aku..[my brO will definitely tdo dgn team member] Sekarang2 tgh pk2 hotel mane yang mahu stay mlm nie, harus budjet awal2 [harus berjimat cermat..] kalau x, aku jgk yang aku fenin memikirkan dt utk running daily work..uhhh..plz, did sum1 out there have seed of money tree, huh?muheheheh!:)

Ptg ini sgt panas..even aku ade di depan kipas nie pon..suda berpeluh!alahai, mahu mandi dan rehat2 sebentar. Tadi aku baru lepas study..bc mane yang patut, i have to pass!!gambate, hwaiting!!