Shocking!! One of the words i could describe how i feel right now, a few moment ago, aku baru abez cakap dengan my dearest friend, LIN. She's got into accident! Dan skunk die dalam perjalanan balik ke Jerantut. Dengan tulang belakang yang retak, aku xtau kenapa doc kc die keluar wad. Izzit not 2 serious?? Hell no! Of course it is!
Aku xtau details lagi, sebab die cakap tadi pun macam xlarat, kalau ikutkan curiousity aku macam2 lagi aku nak tanye, but aku kn la consider she's in pain. So hopefully aku dapat tgk die ASAP. kalau ikutkan esok aku nk pegi da, tapi aku kn attend course kat tganu plak.uhhhhh..
Kalau aku ade transport sendiri, bole la aku pg hari esok. Risau jantung aku nih, dgr dr die ct..sampai tercampak dari kereta.. n my fwen pnye kereta (kembara) mmg hancur. Yang lagi 2 orang tu aku xtau mcm mane. Hopefully xdek yang injured teruk..
She's my 1st closest person yang accident agak teruk. Die xsedar afta kereta die kena hit for the second time. Dengan luke2 pada badan, i cannot imagine macam mane keadaan die skunk. Lagipun, about 3 hours b4 the accident we chat on phone about her new job. Everything just fine n she's hepi even tempat die kn posting mmg sgt2 pendalaman!
But, Thank god, there were nothing serious, no fatal accident!Sebab might b 3 or 4 cars involve dalam accident ptg tadi..with raining n slippery road in this wet dearest fwen out there, please be carefull while u're driving..THINK ABOUT YOUR LOVED ONES!
Im a simple minded gal, lOve tO laugh with a gud sense Of humor..Friendly n warmth person if get tO knOw me better..but sumtime it get ugly if sum1 get to my nerve!^_^..Grateful of being healthy untiL nOw..Will be a gud daughter fOr my parents! N i lOve all pepOle arOund me!^_*
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