A Journey I Called Life

The stOry Of myself and pepole around me. Here, a place i want to revealed all the feeling inside..^_^

3 Days BefOre 2010

It's been a while aku x text ape2 entry...uhhh...nak kate bz tu x la jgk..emOsi kuren stabil kOt!huhuhuhu..lagipun lately aku bz ke gym..kunun nye nk lOst weight!~_~...azam 2010 la agaknye nie..tapi ari nie da x pg..im not feeling weLL..esOk mst pg! Nk bukti pada diri sendiri..i can have my Old bOdy! uhhh...kegemukkan skrng amat menyakitkan hati!
WeLL..3 days left..and then ANNYONG 2009! A year past..tapi rase nye xdek ape2 big achievement ..living an Ordinary day n thankfull being health sepanjang tahun..allhamdullilah..^_^
The last 2 days..261209..i made a prOmise tO myself..hOpefully aku dapat keep my prOmise tu..i want tO mOve fOward..nO mOre lOoking back..and...whatever!~_~


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