1 Januari 2010! Finally! Setahun lagi berlalu..ughhh!cepat betOl! aku x kemane-mane pun hari nie..ptg tadi melantak pizza which is ruined my DIET! huhuhuhuhu...CountdOwn depan TV kat uma my cousin tadi..Obviously mmg xdek ape2 yang menarik!^_^..
Looked back fOr 2009..ape yang aku da thru?
1. Kedai yang aku namekan TCC, Officially cLose On FEb 09..
2. Office aku berpindah semule kat uma..which is where i sleep tOo! [xperlu bagun pagi lagi!]
3. Offically start attended meeting+course+conference+++ On behalf Of my Dad [ 10:2] O.o
4. Get tO knOw mOre Staff TM. 20 years ++ gap..Mostly!^_^
5. Aku gain weight lagi!hahahaha^_*
6. Meet Mr Z after a years we never seen each others..Recently we meet On Christmas, but i
keep feel..it will Over sOon enOugh..:( uhhhh...Whatever!
1. My Office mungkin akan pindah awal tahun ni, hopefully..[mendap da otak aku dOp uma]O.o
2. Our biz akan bertambah stabil n success.
3. Of cOurse, i hOpe me n all people arOund me me will stay healthy..ALWAYS!^_*
4. tO LOST weight!^_^..harap will untuk g gym x ilang!huhuhu
5.the Rest...wait n see! a'ha 1 mOre! i want tO get Over HIM!Fighting!^_^
Faizal Tahir - Cuba [credit : nuruliena@ youtube]
Suddenly..Layan feeling plak dgr lagu ni...huhuhu...O_o
Im a simple minded gal, lOve tO laugh with a gud sense Of humor..Friendly n warmth person if get tO knOw me better..but sumtime it get ugly if sum1 get to my nerve!^_^..Grateful of being healthy untiL nOw..Will be a gud daughter fOr my parents! N i lOve all pepOle arOund me!^_*
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