A Journey I Called Life

The stOry Of myself and pepole around me. Here, a place i want to revealed all the feeling inside..^_^


LIMIT....a word that I've thinking now..uhhh!!masih boleh berjalan i think im not over the limit yet..bekerja di bawah terik matahari n pas tu basah dek ujan, if that not enough..lorry plak lekat tayar kat selut!that was the overall today's work..tired?exhausted?...more than word could imagine..but still mampu type entry ini..:)

Esok, cuti dari kj site..but that not mean boleh rest..ct sebab harus settle claim. Kalau orang makan gaji time nie bole tarik nafas lega tgk bal saving account masing2..aku plak akn saket jiwa menyelesaikan claim2!n after 3 month br bole tarik nafas lega tgk bal current account. Dalam otak nie rs mcm da x ckp space nk fikir hal kj..sumtime time2 gni la aku rs, im glad i dun have bf, i dun have to think other things beside kj..workholic kah?^___^...tidak. Cm kalau ade2 sape berade dalam situasi aku, mngkn akn tahu ape yang ade dlm otak aku.When u hold the responsibility, not only for a company but also ur family. But im glad, im not alone..i noe im doing this for the better future..:)..cm yang penting my 'backbone' baba n my bro always in gud health physical n mental.amin..:)

apakah?its time la..huhuhuhu..dari aku mule kua uma n time aku smpi uma smule..uh!damned tired! Hujan baru2 nk benti..da dpt bayangkan betape ssh nye nk bangun pg esOk utk ke site lagi..alahai, nk cite kepenatan pOn da x larat..sj type entry ini, nO reason at all!huhuhu..

Acceli aku da siap kj kOl 7..tapi shopping groceries fOr my granma also kn masak kan utk die skali..with my limited cooking skill, cm udang goreng kunyit with smbal bilis ^___^..sekejap aje da siap!huhuhu..lagipon aku mmg da exhausted gile..ni pon mate buke separuh aje..dalam pale nie asik terbayang tiang aje!muhehehhe..sO many wOrk waiting for me tomorrow. O_o

After Rain~~

* blessing

Hujan~~alhamdulillah..it been a week kepanasan di sini..aku keluar tgh hari tadi pOn mst bw payung..can't stand d heat! Even x lame pOn..at least xkehausan la pokok2 kat lua tu kan?^__^

Mahu tdO sementare dingin ujan nie masih ade..tapi msh ade kj yang perlu di buat. Penat balik dari kuantan malam semalam pun blOm abez lagi..ape bole bt, it's part of life..but sumtin yang bt my heart feel delight is, yesterday Exam! hOrray, im cofident my team will pass it!..hehehe..nk tau ape beza exam skOl@ kolej dgn exam ms kj? u can discuss!not mention that you can cOpy2! But for me aku harus bace n remind since my team member menghrpkan aku..aku xkesah sbb aku phm org yang da de family mane sempat nk bace2..kj plak balik malam, lagi la. sO aku mmg harus pastikan sume lulus..or else aku akn ssh kemudian hari..this test required by MCMC..so wajib lulus.

Hari2 yang mendatang, masih banyak mende yang aku nk kn pk..esOk pagi aku da mule ke site lagi..n hopefully aku buleh lost weight sambil bekerja!hahahahaha...Diet da xtau ke mane, tp semangat aje yang tggl!huhuhu..OPsss..harus stOp sekarang, kj menimbun lagi ni!wOrking jaja wOrking!!!:P


Gambatte, Hwaiting!!O_o

* Gambatte(gahm-baht-teh; literally meaning :Go for it! or Try your best!) **cr : www.learnjapanesefree.com

*HWAITING - Good Luck.[literally meaning : hwaiting is an example of Konglish(Korean English). It is actually fighting, but since most Koreans have difficulty in pronouncing letter F, it is substituted with HW. They always say this as a word of encouragement.
It's like go,go you can make it.
**cr : yahoo.answer

An encouragement phrases for me!hehehe..Esok Exam!huhuhu..Venue at SMART skool..rase mcm nk mik SPM jek! Back at time, da 9 years berlalu since i was a skool girl.really?owhhh... almost 1 decade! On those 9 yeasr too many things happened..kalau nk di flash back..seminggu pon x ckp mase aku nk type entry 9thn kat cni!huhuhu~~

BTW, aku baru selesai packing barang2 yang mahu bawa ke kuantan..ingtkan nak bertOlak kOl 5, tapi kOl my brO, die kate kOl 7 nnti br die balik..sO sempat lagi la aku type entry nie sebelum pg..huhuhuhu..ketagihan kah??O_o

I called my fwen kat ktn ingtkn nk lepak kat uma die je, xdek la aku sengal sOrang2 kalau lepak hOtel..but unfortunately nye die balik ke kg pulak ptg nie..nmpknye sOrang2 je la aku..[my brO will definitely tdo dgn team member] Sekarang2 tgh pk2 hotel mane yang mahu stay mlm nie, harus budjet awal2 [harus berjimat cermat..] kalau x, aku jgk yang aku fenin memikirkan dt utk running daily work..uhhh..plz, did sum1 out there have seed of money tree, huh?muheheheh!:)

Ptg ini sgt panas..even aku ade di depan kipas nie pon..suda berpeluh!alahai, mahu mandi dan rehat2 sebentar. Tadi aku baru lepas study..bc mane yang patut, i have to pass!!gambate, hwaiting!!


*Different design , but the same B_ _ ND..:(

Ye..Aku TERpijak my spectacle! Aghh! it cost me around RM4++..:(..xtau macam mane aku ble xingt aku letak spec tu kat lantai. Nasib baik contact lenses aku ade sepasang lagi dlm stock!huhuhu..kalau x kena la beli lagi. Aku da antar spec tu kat kdi depan nie, hopefully masih boleh di baiki. Since frame spec tu made from stainless steel, ianya x patah tapi..herot perot!adOiii..i hate wearing lenses, mate aku akn pedih kalau pki dlm e-cOnd terlalu lame @ berade di bawah bahang mentari yang terik..mase blaja2 dulu..Oke aje, ari2 pOn pki lenses. mmg xble tggl, kalau x bute dalam celik la aku. But since my eyes tibe2 ditumbuhi selaput dulu, aku terus benti pki[u have take a gud care with ur eyes when u wear contact lenses]..skunk selaput tu sudah xdek..but b-coz of the accident..terpakse jg pki lenses ini.
*im wearing the lenses in a 1st row, number 1 from right

Tgh hari tadi, aku ke opiz TM..masih ade baki2 ilmu yang nak di beri..sO sempatlah aku sumbat2 ape yang Mr khOo ckp tadi befOre my exam this coming Sunday. sO tomorrow, aku akn ke kuantan lagi....uhhhh~~~

*in Mac i was here every weeks!Kinda tired..sbb harus pegi dan balik

Ingatkan nk gerak pagi ahad je, tp since my worker beria2 nk pg ari esOk..layan aje la. Agaknye nie la realiti seorang suami, dpt pi kursus jaoh sket, mahu awal2 pegi, sebab mahu enjoy kerana hari2 kerja, if cuti harus bersama ank dan isteri.

* parenthood..^__^

FYI, my worker yang 3 org nie sume da kawen..sOrang mude setahun dari aku lagi dua tua lebih krng 5thn dari aku. Ade yang da beberape thn x ke kuantan. Kate mereka bile da kawen, life x lagi macam bujang, banyak pekara nk di fikir, sO time2 ade cOurse mcm ni la diorg bole lari sekejap dari rutin2 harian. Selalu nye course2 sblm nie cm required a representative dr company, which is cm aku aje yang attend. But skunk nie, some of course need our team member to attend in order to measure their knowledge. All my worker sume blaja smpi SPM aje, so bile tibe2 kena atteend course n taking exam, masing2 da mengeluh..mane nk keje, mane nk jg ank, mane nk study. Tergelak jgk aku bile dgr dorg bercite pasal time study di rumah. Mmg xsempat..sO i have tO dO my magic tOnite in Order tO help them. Abracadabra!!^___*

So sebentar lagi harus, kemas2 bilik ini dan buat revision. Exam yang aku taking on Sunday is sO important. At least one of our staff harus pass utk sign the new agreement which is will be expired end of april 2010. If nOt, we'll be in trOuble..In the same time i type this entry, my baba n bro still working at site..semalam pon dorg x balik rumah. Ade breakdown kat sane..abez tiang2 telefon kena tiup dek angin, nOt just wind but storm!

I dun want my baba get worried about this, so i have to make sure myself to pass it[pass result:70% n above]..tinggi kan?if u get 69, u get G @ F! which mean i/we have to retake the course n exam at MMC KL [it's rm 750 per person for 2nd take, i just pay RM75 per person on this 1st intake]warghhhh****i wish i could grow the money!!!


*hOpe i can rest at a place like this..*_*

I'm dOin nOthing tOday..mahu rest satu hari sebelum sambung semule sume2 yang xsiap..uhhh...ade baik n buruknye bekerja sendiri ini. FYI, i'll dO all kind Of wOrk, a representative Of cOmpany, an accountant, a general clerk, a supervisor, even a peon!huhuhu...sOmetime keje aku cm rehat2 kat Opiz[which is lOcated at my Own rOom]..n playing game. My wOrk required me tO, aku harus ke site, aku harus attend meeting, aku harus manage account cOmpany+hOuse expenses, aku harus bt claim, aku harus hadir cOurse, aku harus naik turun pejabat2 yang berkaitan..sOmetime in a week aku berada di kl, di ktn dn balik semule ke temerloh. kdg2 sgt penta n kadang2 sgt santai!^__^

Starting next week, aku harus ke site..Opiz n stOre alsO lOcated di Triang skrng. But, itu cm Official Opiz je, if ade inspectiOn kat c2 la kami akn bw mereke2. Operation Opiz still here at my rOom..akan berpindah jgk, but it will take time. so on my leisure day,aku cm bermalasan di rumah..gOt a J-Drama DVD..Samurai High School..masih ade baki 3 episOde yang belum tgk..kalau rajin abez kan malam ni..kalau len kali je la. Comedy n a light stOry, sesuai utk bergelak n melepaskn tensen!^___^

*Samurai High School..^_^

K-Drama Madness + weD entry

*my current addictiOn!^_^

Still! I consider myself as one of K-Drama maniac!^_^ Just nOw aku br je abez tgk ChunO a.k.a The Slave Hunters ep 16..the last ep 23 & 24 will be airing at Korea this week. But i manage tO watch until ep 16!darn it!Long way tO gO..skunk ade prOb licence On Viikii which mean aku xble nk tgk Online di situ until the drama wrap up this week, a few mOre days tO gO!Masih luangkan mase utk layan drama depsite of sgt bnyk kj lagi yang perlu di buat!huhuhu..:P

Stop abOut drama, mahu selit sikit psl my cazen wed-pre. sO DIY thank u tag da sipa buat, n nOw cm tggl kerja2 nk letak di paper bag aje..cm 200pcs, she cOnfirm that the Others 1,500 goOdies bag xperlu bt, since her mOm cm letakkan dlm calorful plastic bag[which is her mOm brought at cOwbOy..^_^], sO xperlu la ssh nk buat beribu..nasib baik la phOtostat ari tu cm 0.05 cent aje , x la rase rugi sgt since byk lebih..myb just stapler aje kat plastic bag tu nnti, tgk la mcm mane..kertas manila tu plak, nampaknye akan di subsidikan pade sape2 yang nk. sO special paper bag is dOne with thank you tag, xdpt nk uplOad gambar sebab tadi xbawak cam g uma die.

Last weekend my cazen balik kg n cat uma, plan die On April, tapi kebetulan plak akak die ade balik, abg die pon ade..sO boleh la gn kan kerahan tenaga, sO bilik da siap cat with 2 tOne cOlor..i think it was light & a lil dark pink..aku pOn tgk lg. pelik sikit sbb theme kaler white, black n red, cat bilik caler pink!huhuhu..it was my idea..nampak sket bilik tu luas, lgipun sengaje nk nmpk kOntra sbb caler mOstly white. White bed set, white cadar, white lamp, white kelambu..sOoo white! DecO bunga utk bilik da siap lame da..ms pegi nilai hari tu..sO bunga-bungaan tu mmg sume theme caler ade. Balik dr kg my cazen da punggah sume bakOl2 hantaran utk digubah di sini. Mungkin hantar kat kdi depan uma kiteOrg nie je..nOt decide anything yet. myb On May bakOl2 itu akan di htr utk decO.

*aku jg mahu bilik seperti ini!huhuhu^___^

harus stOp dulu entry ini..mahu mandi! aku punye tabiat mandi lewat..adOii..kalau xmandi cOnpem xlena tdO aku!huhuhu~~gud nite everyOne!


*it's wOrse..:(

im wOrking late tOday..tapi masih sempat curik mase utk entry ini..hari nie satu ari aku dOp bergulin ats tilam aje..stOmach cramp@mestruation pain! wajib tiap2 bulan, biase nye aku akn telan ubat at least sepapan, but lately aku xble nk mkn lebih panadol..xtau knp, belakang aku jdk sakit..sO nOw im nOt taking mOre than 2 tablet a day.

* cOke fOr the cure , u can try it[if dun have any allergic with the carbonate drink la]..^_^

sO fOr my cramp nie..aku minum cOke aje. Petua dari cikgu rahmat, my besties father!^__^
tq fOr the tip ye wOk! My fwen da lame kc tau, cm skunk aku br cube. Rase nye ni da msk 3 mOnth in a rOw aku akn minum cOke ble sengugut and the result is?the pain gOne!^___^..cm jgn la minum smpi 3 tin, tu sume akn jadik lemak yang tersimpan...huhuhu..:)

sO skunk aku da fully energize..harus sambung kerja yang sepatutnye aku siapkan siang tadi.
7 minute past 1 a.m nOw..must hurry, esOk pagi mahu ke TM Ofiz+pOst Office...^_^


Entry ini di type selepas 3 jam aku sampai ke rumah..dah siap mandi + unpacking beg + update my korean blog + tinjau2 di FB..sekarang mate ala2 separuh terbuka, tapi jiwa agak berat dn mahu lepaskan sedikit beban di sini *since i dun have anyOne by myside nOw^_^, my sis pOn sdh balik ke hOstel..huhuhu.Myb entry jiwa ini agak panjang..^__^

Pulang dari ktn setelah berada di sane 3 hari 2 malam..in One week..aku spent 4 hari di kuantan..On 16th aku pg with my lil sis utk settle lesen PKK..On 19,20 & 21th ke ktn utk attend streamyx cOurse..On 28th harus menduduki test pula..alahai, ingat da grad xperlu exam lagi, but its never end.,:(..kepale pOn da senak nk study..tambah pulak wheater di ktn asik ujan aje, aku ingt mcmm musim tenkujuh bile dOp sane..adOi..sgt mengantOk. but back at hOme..its tOtally HOT!uhhhh...

1st nite aku kt ktn, aku stay kat uma membe aku..da dekat setahun gak kiteorg xjmpe..ani namenye..she's my xcOursemate+xrOomate ms blaja kt ktn dulu. Bile da jumpe mcm2 la yang digOssip kan..mane kawan yang da kawen, mane yang ilang, mane yang recently terjumpe..sume2 kua *xlupe jg tOpik2 ttg skandal2 lame!huhuhu.Around 2 a.m br la kami tdO. And its really cOld dat nite..hujan lebat!

Next mOrning, cOurse start pukul 9.00a.m until 5.00pm..all abOut Streamyx*xmau ct psl itu, BORING!~~and the lect bla...bla..bla..then cOurse end !hehehe..mase sgt lambat berlalu. And im the Only Female, sgt mental~~sO lepas keluar dr TM ktn..aku *include 3 of my wOrkers mahu ke ECM. My brO*adikku xjOin cOurse krn die dlm team lain^_^, cm jd driver aku je and my dear fwen 'Lin' jg sudah ade di ECM..she came frOm Hulu SelangOr tO meet me in person. Kate nye ade sumtin nk di stOry kan..sO it must be impOrtant tO her, since die harus travel by bas tO meet me at ktn..its abOut 5hOurs!

* East Coast Mall at Kuantan

sO sampai ke ECM aku bersame mereke2*3 wOrkers masuk ke ECM dan terus ke meeting pOint..GSC. ^__^ al- maklum la di temerlOh nie mmg xdek cinema..Once kalau da smpi ktn, watch mOvie is a must. sO withOut pk panjang, pilih aje ct Green Zon. And ini lah akibatnye x bace sinOpsisi sebelum pilih mOvie..it's BORING and i hate tOo see war.agak sentimen di situ!hehehe..nOt recOmmended*rOugh statement!huhuhu. Alice In WOnderland 8x bagOs! aku da tgk with my sis befOre On16th..aku tgk yg 3D punye..its my 1st time tgk yang 3D.huhuhu..befOre aku pnh tgk jgk, tapi time tu GSC kat Megamall kaci 3D glass yang frame die kertas keras kaler putih.bOle pki buang punye..sO GSC ECM provide glass yang aku bOle pki dOuble dgn aku punye spectacle!tapi aku xpunye batang hidung yang panjang seperti mat saleh..jadi btg idung aku yang terpenyek ini agak sengsara menanggung berat 2 glasses itu!hihihihi..b4 nie im nOt intO anime Or cartOon mOvie..rs nye sepanjang aku tgk mOvie, sekali je aku tgk ct g2, ratatouille!^_^..sO afta this aku sudah mule mahu tgk ct seperti ini..Light n funny!its recOmmended tO everyOne!^___^

Back tO d stOry..afta kami selesai tgk mOvie..mereke2 ini mahu repeat utk satu lagi ct sbb xpuas ati dgn cerita itu yang sengal.Discuss n finally kami decide utk karOke di seblh GSC..its RM 50 fOr 1hOur..huhuhuh..Quite expensive..n One persOn get tO sing 2 sOng each..Maybe sbb rOom yang agk nice and its lOcated at ECM..currently biggest mall at East Coast nO wOnder la kalau mahal pOn kan? Kalau aku tahu kami2 sume*exclude Lin sgt suke menyayi..baik kami ke Sinaran..menyanyi dlm bilik yang ble muat 6 Org dan cm rm 1.50 satu lagu.we all can sings untill nO mOre vOice tO speak!
Afta the karOk session..kami ke Air Putih utk makan..sj pg agak jaOh..krn aku carving nk makan mee kari di c2..cm RM 48.70 utk 6 Org makan + include satey with nasi impit 20 cucuk fOr side dish..^_^..lOcatiOn is frOnt Of Kemaman kOpitiam Air putih..mee kari die mmg kaw! sO sape2 yang melawat ke sane n mee kari maniac, muleh la cube..^_^

2nd nite
which is last nite aku x stay di rmh ani, sbb lin ade sO it kinda crOwded di situ n aku xmO la menyusahkan sesiapa..sO aku n lin stay di Grand Champange HOtel at Jalan Haji Ahmad. My brO n mereke2 di hOtel at jln teluk sisek..hehhe..sj2 pilih hOtel jaOh..nO reason cm sengaje nk ssh adik aku dtg pagi amik aku anta ke TM!huhuhu..sO malam itu berceritera la my besties itu..*Its classified fOr nOw! huhuhu..arOund 3 a.m jgk br la aku tdO..with 4 hOur barely tO sleep..aku bgn utk attend last day punye cOurse..and nOw im lack of sleeping time!sO its time tO recOver semule!yey!

But..me allready lOtsa things tO dO afta wake up tOmmorow mOrning. Harus settle claim di pjbt TM temelOh + update data which PKK req+ update Our accOunt + recheck mane kerja yang aku terlepas pandang..uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

aku da take a deep breath n lepaskan perlahan2..harus selesaikan satu persatu.. and d 1st things is..SLEEP!^___^...will be here again!'release'

* YAWN~~im sO sleEpy

Wed-Pre Part 2

*aha..nOt me!but she..^_^

Brupp..FULL!^_^..lunch +dinner..nasi putih dgn acar timun n kari ikan..Skunk bOle sambung semule wed-pre entry ini..tadi aku da siapkan satu lagi tag..sO settle kj untuk tag cume kn Photostat n procced the next procedure..^_^

*Simple aje..^_^

FYI, preparation at least 50% [done @ bOoked @ sponsor]..Of cOrse this is my 1st time make a list fOr wedding ceremony [since I’m nOt married yet..huhuhuhu1^_^] ..*must be lacking in sO many ways,kan?^_^ tapi ape bOle bt..i like this kind Of wOrk Or..headache, maybe?it must be a big headache fOr all the B.T.B out there,kan?trust me, I felt it at least 50% of the pain!^_*

Let me put the wOrk we’ve dOne sO far On list..^_^ [my cazen da prepare satu buku utk aku list kan sume2..but kinda messy sket..penuh dgn cOnteng2..hehehe..idea2 yang terpakai dn xpakai…

Body Treatment

  1. Spa *2 weeks befOre
  2. Facial *Early April & Mei
  3. Appointment W Dentist *2 weeks befOre
  4. Inai * 2 Days befOre

Nikah Procedure

  1. Borang kawen * Early April
  2. Hiv test * Early April
  3. Tok kadi *Early April
  4. Kursus Kawen [Bride n Groom] *done

Nikah Night

  1. Baju Nikah [Bride] * htr jahit
  2. Baju Nikah [Groom] * htr jahit
  3. Bantal + Accessories + Makeup * booked
  4. Mas Kawen [RM 22.50]
  5. Tudung Nikah

Ceremony On 06.06.2010

  1. Sanding

  • Baju Sanding [Bride +Groom] * booked
  • Dress & Sut [Cutting Cake] * booked
  • Accessories * booked
  • Set Pelamin++ * booked
  • Pintu Gerbang * booked
  • Photographer [nikah+sanding+outdoor] * booked
  • Make Up * booked
  • Bunga Telur Atas Pelamin*done
  • Fairy Dresses * On Mei
  • Baju Pasang utk Family * Booked [End Of Mac]

  1. Bilik Pengantin [personal tOuch..^_^]

  • Set katil * done
  • Set Cadar * done
  • Kelambu * done
  • Side Lamp * done
  • Carpet Bulu * done
  • Flower Deco [utk katil + kelambu] * done
  • Roses Petal * 2- 3 days befOre
  • Alas Tilam * booked
  • Cat Bilik * On April
  • Bantal Kecil [Red +Black]* done

  1. Hantaran From Bride

  • Sirih Junjung * 2 – 5 days before
  • Buah * 2 – 5 days before
  • Coklat * 2 – 5 days before
  • Bunga Rampai * 2 – 5 days before
  • Perfume Set * done
  • Collar T-shirt + Jeans * done
  • Kasut * done
  • Wallet & Belt * done
  • Cuppies * Booked
  • Manisan [Cili] *SponsOr
  • Manisan [Puding Tembikai] * Booked

  1. Hantaran From Groom

  • Sirih Junjung * 2 – 5 days before
  • Buah *2 – 5 days before
  • Coklat *2 – 5 days before
  • Bunga Rampai * 2 – 5 days before
  • Cosmetic Set + Za Set + Perfume Set *done
  • Handbeg + Heel *done
  • Cheque Frame
  • Cuppies * Booked
  • Manisan * Sponsor

  1. Door Gift

  • Paper Beg *done
  • Thank You Tag * Processing
  • Gula2 + Jelly + Wrapping * On May
  • Epal + Wrapping * On May
  • Kerepek + Wrapping* On May
  • Sponser gOodies

  1. Banquet
  2. Kad Kawen Special * On April
  3. Kad Kawen Biasa * On April
  4. Cake 2 Tier * booked
  5. Organza utk Bunga Rampai + Minyak wangi
  6. Banner
  7. Kompang /Audio * sPonsor
  8. Kemah Pengantin * On April
  9. Kemah Tetamu * Sponsor
  10. Makan Beradab *Sponsor
  11. Bunga Manggar
  12. Pahar + alas pahar *bOoked
  13. Rosette
  14. Dulang Hantaran *done
  15. Deco untuk Dulang Hantaran *On May

Ceromony On 12.06.2010 [Sambut menantu]

1. Baju Bride + accessories *Bertandang
2. Baju Groom + accessories* Bertandang

3. Payung + Kipas tangan

3. Make- up

4. Photographer [IndOor + OutdOor+Studio with 3 persalinan]

Fuhhh…dOne Listing!...^_*..My cazen pOn ade di sini mase aku list kan item2 ni..sO far die nmpk dengan jelas bile typing mcm nie..^_^..harap die puas ati dgn preparation that they dOne sO far..* me Only helping!:)..myb ade yang tertinggal..harus difikir2kan lagi..but nOw kn rest dulu..^_^

Indicator :

Yang merah tu = nOt done/will be done soon/will be booked soon

Yang green plak = dOne/ Sponsor / bOoked

Baru pulang dari rumah my cazen [B.T.B]..siap2 mandi . Last nite..was heavy rain!..lena betul aku tidO malam tadi..1st time in a few mOnth I sleep under my comforter..^_^

Finally! Aku ade mase untuk tercOngOk di depan PC ini!huhuhuhu..it was chaotic week fOr me! Harus ke sane dan kemari menghadiri audio conference dn jg takilimat *baba ku mmg suda xpedulu lagi! yang wajib dihadiri..alahai..cite sal keje, my brain suddenly tell myself tO sleep! sO utk melupakan seketika, aku nk sambung prepration progress on my cazen weeding day..nampaknye aku xdpt la nk bg full commitment since aku btol2 ter BZ!hehehe..but I’ll dO the best I can..^_^

Pagi tadi aku bersembang dgn my besties*ye wOk..kO la!:P..Her wed also On 6th july..[knp mst same!:(]..die skrg sedang bz membuat thank yOu tag.. sO aku tanye my cazen sama ade die nk tempah Or nk bt mcm membe aku tuh..rancang mule2 mmg la nk tempah aje,,tp since she had a lOt Of free time..why nOt bt sendiri kan?lebih jimat.[just like my fwen said].*wOk thank yOu fOr the calculation ye..hehehe..My cazen n her Mr fiancee sudah keluar utk beli barang yang aku pesan. Luckily, die ade hOusemate yang akn tOlong die bt tag nie, since she allready volunteer tadi..*aku masih lagi bz..harus ke ktn next week and next weekend hrs attend cOurse..:(
• gOogle it..n Edit!^__^ ..dan ini hasilnya..mahu sedikit kelainan aku bt tag nie melintang..masih perlu dilekatkan pada kertas manila, supaye tidak lembik lOtek!^_^[biasenye tag akan dilekatkan di tepi tali, tp yang ini punch kat tengah n akan di ikatkan diantara tali paper beg..^_^

Just before aku bt tag nie..aku email kak aimi[CC n Cake maker]..cOnfirmkan semule req yang aku bt hujung januari ari tuh utk pricing n procced payment..mule2 order CC utk dOorgift..tapi tadi lepas tanye lagi sekali n my cazen mmg nk cancle. sO her wish is my cOmmand!^_^. Aku final kan req nO mOre changing after this..sO Wed Cake n CC utk hantaran is CHECK!

Entry ini akan bersambung sebentar lagi..mahu makan..DIET?huhuhuhu..prOgram diet kjp ade kjp xdek..wOrk Out?tOo bz tO think!hehehehe..but the program still Online n sumtime Offline!^___^