A Journey I Called Life

The stOry Of myself and pepole around me. Here, a place i want to revealed all the feeling inside..^_^


*it's wOrse..:(

im wOrking late tOday..tapi masih sempat curik mase utk entry ini..hari nie satu ari aku dOp bergulin ats tilam aje..stOmach cramp@mestruation pain! wajib tiap2 bulan, biase nye aku akn telan ubat at least sepapan, but lately aku xble nk mkn lebih panadol..xtau knp, belakang aku jdk sakit..sO nOw im nOt taking mOre than 2 tablet a day.

* cOke fOr the cure , u can try it[if dun have any allergic with the carbonate drink la]..^_^

sO fOr my cramp nie..aku minum cOke aje. Petua dari cikgu rahmat, my besties father!^__^
tq fOr the tip ye wOk! My fwen da lame kc tau, cm skunk aku br cube. Rase nye ni da msk 3 mOnth in a rOw aku akn minum cOke ble sengugut and the result is?the pain gOne!^___^..cm jgn la minum smpi 3 tin, tu sume akn jadik lemak yang tersimpan...huhuhu..:)

sO skunk aku da fully energize..harus sambung kerja yang sepatutnye aku siapkan siang tadi.
7 minute past 1 a.m nOw..must hurry, esOk pagi mahu ke TM Ofiz+pOst Office...^_^


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