Baru pulang dari rumah my cazen [B.T.B]..siap2 mandi . Last nite..was heavy rain!..lena betul aku tidO malam tadi..1st time in a few mOnth I sleep under my comforter..^_^
Finally! Aku ade mase untuk tercOngOk di depan PC ini! was chaotic week fOr me! Harus ke sane dan kemari menghadiri audio conference dn jg takilimat *baba ku mmg suda xpedulu lagi! yang wajib dihadiri..alahai..cite sal keje, my brain suddenly tell myself tO sleep! sO utk melupakan seketika, aku nk sambung prepration progress on my cazen weeding day..nampaknye aku xdpt la nk bg full commitment since aku btol2 ter BZ!hehehe..but I’ll dO the best I can..^_^
Pagi tadi aku bersembang dgn my besties*ye wOk..kO la!:P..Her wed also On 6th july..[knp mst same!:(]..die skrg sedang bz membuat thank yOu tag.. sO aku tanye my cazen sama ade die nk tempah Or nk bt mcm membe aku tuh..rancang mule2 mmg la nk tempah aje,,tp since she had a lOt Of free time..why nOt bt sendiri kan?lebih jimat.[just like my fwen said].*wOk thank yOu fOr the calculation ye..hehehe..My cazen n her Mr fiancee sudah keluar utk beli barang yang aku pesan. Luckily, die ade hOusemate yang akn tOlong die bt tag nie, since she allready volunteer tadi..*aku masih lagi bz..harus ke ktn next week and next weekend hrs attend cOurse..:(
Finally! Aku ade mase untuk tercOngOk di depan PC ini! was chaotic week fOr me! Harus ke sane dan kemari menghadiri audio conference dn jg takilimat *baba ku mmg suda xpedulu lagi! yang wajib dihadiri..alahai..cite sal keje, my brain suddenly tell myself tO sleep! sO utk melupakan seketika, aku nk sambung prepration progress on my cazen weeding day..nampaknye aku xdpt la nk bg full commitment since aku btol2 ter BZ!hehehe..but I’ll dO the best I can..^_^
Pagi tadi aku bersembang dgn my besties*ye wOk..kO la!:P..Her wed also On 6th july..[knp mst same!:(]..die skrg sedang bz membuat thank yOu tag.. sO aku tanye my cazen sama ade die nk tempah Or nk bt mcm membe aku tuh..rancang mule2 mmg la nk tempah aje,,tp since she had a lOt Of free time..why nOt bt sendiri kan?lebih jimat.[just like my fwen said].*wOk thank yOu fOr the calculation ye..hehehe..My cazen n her Mr fiancee sudah keluar utk beli barang yang aku pesan. Luckily, die ade hOusemate yang akn tOlong die bt tag nie, since she allready volunteer tadi..*aku masih lagi bz..harus ke ktn next week and next weekend hrs attend cOurse..:(
Just before aku bt tag nie..aku email kak aimi[CC n Cake maker]..cOnfirmkan semule req yang aku bt hujung januari ari tuh utk pricing n procced payment..mule2 order CC utk dOorgift..tapi tadi lepas tanye lagi sekali n my cazen mmg nk cancle. sO her wish is my cOmmand!^_^. Aku final kan req nO mOre changing after this..sO Wed Cake n CC utk hantaran is CHECK!
Entry ini akan bersambung sebentar lagi..mahu makan..DIET?huhuhuhu..prOgram diet kjp ade kjp xdek..wOrk Out?tOo bz tO think!hehehehe..but the program still Online n sumtime Offline!^___^
Entry ini akan bersambung sebentar lagi..mahu makan..DIET?huhuhuhu..prOgram diet kjp ade kjp xdek..wOrk Out?tOo bz tO think!hehehehe..but the program still Online n sumtime Offline!^___^
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