A Journey I Called Life

The stOry Of myself and pepole around me. Here, a place i want to revealed all the feeling inside..^_^

K-Drama Madness + weD entry

*my current addictiOn!^_^

Still! I consider myself as one of K-Drama maniac!^_^ Just nOw aku br je abez tgk ChunO a.k.a The Slave Hunters ep 16..the last ep 23 & 24 will be airing at Korea this week. But i manage tO watch until ep 16!darn it!Long way tO gO..skunk ade prOb licence On Viikii which mean aku xble nk tgk Online di situ until the drama wrap up this week, a few mOre days tO gO!Masih luangkan mase utk layan drama depsite of sgt bnyk kj lagi yang perlu di buat!huhuhu..:P

Stop abOut drama, mahu selit sikit psl my cazen wed-pre. sO DIY thank u tag da sipa buat, n nOw cm tggl kerja2 nk letak di paper bag aje..cm 200pcs, she cOnfirm that the Others 1,500 goOdies bag xperlu bt, since her mOm cm letakkan dlm calorful plastic bag[which is her mOm brought at cOwbOy..^_^], sO xperlu la ssh nk buat beribu..nasib baik la phOtostat ari tu cm 0.05 cent aje , x la rase rugi sgt since byk lebih..myb just stapler aje kat plastic bag tu nnti, tgk la mcm mane..kertas manila tu plak, nampaknye akan di subsidikan pade sape2 yang nk. sO special paper bag is dOne with thank you tag, xdpt nk uplOad gambar sebab tadi xbawak cam g uma die.

Last weekend my cazen balik kg n cat uma, plan die On April, tapi kebetulan plak akak die ade balik, abg die pon ade..sO boleh la gn kan kerahan tenaga, sO bilik da siap cat with 2 tOne cOlor..i think it was light & a lil dark pink..aku pOn tgk lg. pelik sikit sbb theme kaler white, black n red, cat bilik caler pink!huhuhu..it was my idea..nampak sket bilik tu luas, lgipun sengaje nk nmpk kOntra sbb caler mOstly white. White bed set, white cadar, white lamp, white kelambu..sOoo white! DecO bunga utk bilik da siap lame da..ms pegi nilai hari tu..sO bunga-bungaan tu mmg sume theme caler ade. Balik dr kg my cazen da punggah sume bakOl2 hantaran utk digubah di sini. Mungkin hantar kat kdi depan uma kiteOrg nie je..nOt decide anything yet. myb On May bakOl2 itu akan di htr utk decO.

*aku jg mahu bilik seperti ini!huhuhu^___^

harus stOp dulu entry ini..mahu mandi! aku punye tabiat mandi lewat..adOii..kalau xmandi cOnpem xlena tdO aku!huhuhu~~gud nite everyOne!


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